Spend the best four days of your life learning all things cannabis-wellness at the yearly hybrid Ganja Yoga training!

Tune in virtually over Zoom from wherever you are in the world, or join Ganja Yoga founder, Dee Dussault, live in Berkeley (with two other amazing leaders).

New for this training: Option to join one of our in-person pods in Detroit or Tampa!

May 2nd-5th, 2024


“This training was above and beyond my expectations. It took me on a journey of personal development with the plant and the spirit. As a yoga instructor, I learned a style of opening ceremony before partaking in ganja and yoga. I could go on but will be still and ever so grateful.”

Ganja Yoga Training:

44 hour training
20 hours pre-required reading/viewing
24 hours in-person hours
37 Yoga Alliance CEU credits

Information will be balanced with experiential movement practices, yoga classes + opportunities to connect with community.

Open to any experienced yoga practitioner.


Leave knowing:

— Cannabis’ sacred use across the ancient world; its therapeutic, somatic, psychedelic, and trauma-properties.

— Science of CBD, THC and terpenes + best practices for purchasing and honoring weed.

— Biomechanical, trauma-informed, inclusive and accessible yoga, for the most relaxing, healing and sustainable enhanced-practice.


“One of the best trainings I've ever taken! Please take this training, your perspective and sense of belonging will forever be changed! Taking this training is truly saying YES to yourself!


Dee Dussault pioneered cannabis-enhanced yoga classes in 2009 with Ganja Yoga, which has been featured in Wall Street Journal, New York Times, & Yoga Journal.

Thousands of people, in over a dozen US states, and around the world, have blazed and bent with Dee or read her best-selling Harpercollins book, ‘Ganja Yoga.’

Hundreds of people have graduated from the Ganja Yoga Training, and there are Certified Ganja Yoga Teachers around the world!


Safer yoga.

After two decades of yoga practice, Dee suffered from an injury due to mis-alignment in her poses.

She took a year-long biomechanics training, and now loves sharing new ways to approach movement on the mat.

A huge part of the training is unlearning some unwise biomechanic habits that are being repeated in many yoga teacher trainings, and using props and modifications to keep our cannabis-enhanced yoga relaxing, chill, and safe for all bodies.


Also includes:

Business Module, with info on how to skillfully make a living from this work

— Updated History of Cannabis in Yoga module, taught by Smrita Choubey, a South Asian cannabis activist and yogi from New Jersey.

— Conversations on ways to embrace rather than culturally-appropriate yoga, re-investing in our communities to counter the failed war on drugs, and working for representation, accessibility and equality in our yoga spaces.

— 37 Yoga Allianec CEU credits

— Forever-access to the digital Ganja Yoga training to watch again and again!

“The workshop exceeded my expectations in so many ways but, in particular, the overall quality and intimacy of the Zoom format and moderation really made the experience so accessible and personal.”

“I loved the structure of the class and the safety that was present throughout the entire training. The material was well thought out and showed the team’s commitment to the well-being of the yoga community. All of the instructors were engaging, intuitive, and informative.”



Join in Berkeley with Dee & her team
Early: $650 - until March 31st
Regular: $900
Community Pricing & Returning Grads: $420

Join in Detroit or Tampa with a Certified GY Teacher
Early: $650
Regular: $800
Community Pricing & Returning Grads: $420

Join virtually from home!
Early: $500
Regular: $700
Community Pricing & Returning Grads: $250

Early Pricing ends March 31st.

Returning grads: Email Dolly with your name and the year you took the training to register at a reduced-rate: info@ganjayoga.com

Everyone else, register below.


Thursday May 2nd 9am-5pm
Friday May 3rd 9am-5pm
Saturday May 4th 9am-8pm
Sunday May 5th 9am-4:20pm

“The knowledge, skill, and care brought to these with the respect to the lineages and ancient history and use of this healing plant and modality. Great training! Amazing trainers! Incredible way to blend functional movement, ancient wisdom, and humanities medicine to heal modern-day traumas.”

“I really enjoyed getting to know other members of the cohort through the frequent breakout groups. It was incredibly helpful and rewarding to be able to experience the training this way. I felt supported the entire time and have been able to stay connected with the community.”

“Incredible training. Learned so much over the course of four days, from posture to working with trauma to the history of ganja. Looking forward to the next one!”


We also have a self-paced option, join any time, take as long as you need to graduate, forever-access.
Regsiter for that here.

Questions: info@ganjayoga.com