In recent years, the popularity of yoga has surged, with millions of people around the world embracing this ancient practice for its physical, mental, and spiritual benefits.

With this surge in interest, the way yoga is taught and practiced has also evolved. While traditional in-person classes have long been the norm (and livestream classes the norm since our global pandemic), - on-demand recorded yoga classes are gaining traction as a flexible and convenient alternative to the other models.

In this blog post, we will explore the numerous benefits of opting for on-demand recorded Ganja Yoga classes over live-streamed or in-person sessions.

Flexibility In Scheduling

One of the primary advantages of on-demand recorded yoga classes is the unparalleled flexibility they offer. In contrast to live-streamed classes, where you must adhere to a set schedule, on-demand classes allow you to practice yoga whenever it suits you best. Whether you're an early bird looking for a sunrise session, or a night owl wanting to unwind before bed, the choice is entirely yours. This flexibility accommodates busy lifestyles, different time zones, and varying daily routines, making yoga accessible to a broader audience.

Comfortable Practice Environment

Practicing cannabis-enhanced yoga in the comfort of your own space can be immensely liberating. Unlike in-person classes where you may feel self-conscious to let out huge noisy exhales (or take a good 20-seconds for an impromptu head-massage), recorded Ganja Yoga classes create a truly relaxing practice environment. This comfort fosters a deeper mind-body connection, enabling you to focus on your practice without needing to adhere to rules of social conduct. 

Personalized Sesh

On-demand recorded classes enable you to progress at your own pace. In live-streamed sessions, you may feel pressured to keep up with the instructor and the group, potentially sacrificing your body’s true needs. With on-demand classes, you can pause, rewind, or fast forward to revisit specific poses or sequences, or stay in Child’s Pose for as long as your heart desires. This freedom allows you to tailor your practice to your skill level and goals for the smoke and stretch session.

Cost-Effective Bliss

On-demand recorded Ganja Yoga classes typically offer the most cost-effective way to do yoga. Either they’re free on Youtube, or a small monthly fee, like Ganja Yoga Online (first week free here). This affordability allows you to invest in your yoga journey without breaking the bank.

Making The Most Of On-Demand Ganja Yoga

On-demand recorded yoga classes have revolutionized the way we approach this ancient practice, offering unparalleled flexibility, personalization, and comfort.

By choosing these classes, you gain control over when and where you practice, tailor your sessions to your unique needs, have more spaciousness to make noise or do your own thing, and, not unimportantly, you save money.

Now that you’re ready to embrace the freedom of on-demand yoga, here are our tips on making the most out of Ganja Yoga Online, or any other on-demand weed yoga classes you might try.

1. Pick Your Class:

Check out the title and length of each class before-hand so you know what to expect. Choose something that fits your mood, energy level, and ability, and decide if you want to challenge yourself today or keep it really chill.

2. Set The Space:

Take a few moments before each class to gather water, your weed, and yoga props (or home items that serve the purpose). The more self-care toys around you the better. If you don’t have cork blocks you can use books. No yoga strap? Use a bathrobe tie. Have it all handy. And, if the mood strikes, tidy up your space a little, setting the mood. Incense maybe? In any case, turn off and put away your phone (unless watching on it). This is you-time, give yourself a distraction-less practice. You might even create a ritual of some kind to demarcate “yoga time.

3. If You’re New To Cannabis, Start Low And Go Slow:

If you’re still consuming by the time the class begins, feel free to pause the video and take your time to finish the puff. No need to rush the act of getting high, - make it a part of your practice! Don’t worry about what or how (or how much) cannabis the Ganja Yoga teacher is using for their practice; Do your own thing, even if that’s using non-psychoactive CBD or cannabis topicals, or no cannabis products at all. (It is always optional).

4. Add Friends, Wisely:

These classes are great with friends, as date-night, or solo. If you’re going to be sharing a cannabis-enhanced yoga practice at home with others, resist the temptation to compare, or you’ll lose on some of the benefit opf the self-paced style. If it’s comfortable, close your eyes and just listen to the video, drawing your awareness to your own experience.

Welcome To The Revolution:

To conclude, on-demand recorded yoga classes have revolutionized the way we approach yoga practice, offering unparalleled flexibility, personalization, and comfort.

By choosing these classes, you gain control over when and where you practice, tailor your sessions to your unique needs, and access a diverse range of instructors and styles. Furthermore, the cost-effectiveness that on-demand yoga classes provide make them an attractive choice for yogis of all levels. Embrace the freedom of on-demand yoga, and embark on a journey that empowers you to discover balance, strength, and tranquility in your own space and on your own schedule.

First week free at our on-demand portal, find a teacher you dig at..
